恭喜我们中心星期三下午2点的P5高华班三个南华小学的女生在WA3 中取得了佳绩
WA3 成绩出来了, 星期三2点的P5高华班共有3 个学生来自南华小学。这 三个学生在南华小学考试中都取得了棒棒的成绩。
1) 学生程悦,在学校考试中50 分钟内写了900 个字左右的作文,并成为了学校范文。高华得了“ M”
2) 学生恩琪, 高华得了“D”
3) 学生诗琪, 高华得了“D”
WA3 results are out, and in the P5 High Chinese class on Wednesday at 2:00 , we have three students from Nan Hua primary , and they all did very well.
Name: Cheng Yuet wrote an essay that became a model for primary school students in Nan Hua Primary and she got an "M" .恭喜这些南华小学P5 高华班的学生。
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